
Not a Bad Monday

Did three things today that I feel great about, just wanted to share:

  1. I worked out. Man, I need to keep on this. I forget how good I feel when I'm regularly in the gym. I sleep better, I manage my stress better, and I just have more energy. I forget that way too fast in my efforts to 'do more' in my life. I've got to stay on this, even through the meat of the Christmas season. Feel free to hold me accountable, I need it!
  2. I met with my LLC. I have the privilege of leading a group of local pastors in a monthly Leadership Learning Community. We read a book, discuss it's implications for our ministries, and we dream, encourage each other and pray together once a month. Today was the day, and I'm hearing great things from each of the churches represented. I'm jacked to hear what God is up to in Blackfoot, Idaho Falls, Arco, Clearfield and Ogden. We have a big God, and He's doing big things. There are small group ministries starting, people being baptized, new ministries starting, and momentum building in these places. It gets me pumped to hear that stuff. I guess the lesson here is: make sure to include some positive input, some encouraging people in your life as often as possible, it's good for you!
  3. I read a couple blogs. I read Perry Noble's blog, and he's great. He posted about a blog post from another author, and linked it. In it, Anne Jackson confesses that she had a problem with Perry, but that God challenged her to love more and criticize what's working less. I read Perry first, then Anne, then the comments. I was both encouraged and massively depressed. People were using her blog to vent about what they don't like in pastors; namely that some pastors are trying to connect to modern culture, and even might use other people's (effective) material to themselves be effective. I read it as much as I could before I got sick. People are far and away more willing to criticize what's working than do anything effective themselves. Having myself been capped on for learning from and using material from other pastors/churches, and having been criticized for trying to be relevant (the statement usually takes the form of a 'watering down the gospel' argument), I was sad to see so many people try to yell the loudest about how bad someone like Perry is. But here's what actually encouraged me: even someone as effective and resourceful as Perry Nobel gets his share of heat.
Okay, that's sick, I know, but it's true. Billy Graham has been criticized his whole career. Rick Warren has people hating on him all over the Internet. You can't name an effective leader in the church that hasn't taken a broadside of criticism here or there.

And that reminds me that if I'm going to be the leader God wants me to be, criticism comes with the territory. I don't like it, I don't enjoy getting it, and it's not always a good time. But two things happen when I get criticized, and I think they are both good. One is, I get to rethink what I've said/done to draw the criticism. Sometimes, I'm flat wrong, and I need to be called on it. Critics aren't always evil, and they aren't always wrong. And second, I get to look at the bigger picture: if what I did was okay, but it drew fire from someone anyway, was it worth it? I have to see criticism as a piece of what God is doing to grow me up, to force me to listen to Him over the other voices in my life, because ultimately, I'm going to stand before God and God alone for my accountability.

While I'm here on the Earth, I'm accountable to the Elders and others in my life, but ultimately, if I'm looking to other people for my affirmation and not focused on what God is calling me to do, I am asking for trouble. I get caught up in the 'chatter' way too easily, and it makes me fearful of what 'people are saying' way too often. Instead, I need to listen, learn, grow, and keep my eyes on Jesus, no matter what. And by "no matter what," I mean no matter what people might say about it. I need to learn from other pastors, even if people don't like it. I need to learn from other churches that are being effective, even if people criticize that. And I need to say what God puts on my heart, even if it gets me in trouble with some folks who don't like how I said it.

I know that I have the reputation of not listening to people. That's what some people think of me, and what they will say about me to others. But the truth is: I listen too much. God has been trying to break me of listening to - and then trying to please - everyone. This is me, trying to listen to the Master's voice and learn. So, Go Perry! Go Anne! Go Jesus!

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