
Why I Love This Church!!

Wow! I just got a look at the candy pile! We have five HUGE tubs of candy, and more on the way! I love it when we get to show what a generous church we are. People have been coming in all week bringing little packages of love to give out to kids tomorrow during Trick or Treat the Old Town Streets, and now we're about ready to give away some Jesus in fun sized bites!

I'm also blown away that we had 75 people sign up to help!! We always struggle with getting folks to tell us that they're coming to help with events, so to have 75 names a week ahead of time means that we'll have over 100 at the event!! Again, I love the heart for serving and sharing that God has been building in the lives of people in this church family. It is a privilege to be a part of such a great move of God.

Pray for the event, the city won't shut down the street, nor will they provide traffic support, so there will be 5000 people, mostly little kids all hopped up on sugar and adrenaline, running around a 10 block area with rush hour traffic and no crossing guards. Ask God to protect and bless this event so that not only will kids find candy, but someone will find Christ's love.

And if you figure out which costume is mine, make sure and laugh at the jokes. :)

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