
Quick Sunday Post

I'm sneaking in a post during the dinner break of the 101 CLASS. I'm still in awe of what God is doing right now in our church. We have a ton of people taking the core classes tonight, plus a huge response to I Saw the Lord - we ran out of books!! The service today was electric, I felt people connecting to God's spirit in both services, and the way folks were listening to what had to be for some a hard message to hear, it all just made me stop and praise God for the good stuff going on right now.

A quick clarification: what I said today was that we need a full time youth pastor. We have it in the budget to pay a full time salary, and we started Chris Boblit off as part time because he was a rookie. But now as he rounds into shape and is doing great ministry with the teens, we don't have the giving support to pay the full time salary. We're in the black financially, but barely, and with spending still cut to the bone. We need to see giving come up dramatically to get back to the level of ministry needed to change this valley for Jesus. We're already saying no to opportunities, and we need to say yes to a full time person leading our youth ministry. Pray about it, and follow the voice of God as He speaks from His word.

Gotta run, second half of 101 about to start.

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