
Catching Up On a Great Weekend

First off, a big THANK YOU to Paul Austin for his amazing message on Sunday. Having been on the sidelines at the ISU game in Boise all evening, then sitting on a bus for 4+ hours, getting in after 2 am, then preaching two services for us - what an effort! But more importantly, he let God use him to bring a powerful close to our Simply Pray series. If you didn't make it to worship, you need to get a copy of this message, God spoke clearly through Paul to tell us that paying attention to prayer matters, and God loves us enough to both listen and speak to us in prayer.

The next series up is Game Plan, talking about God's strategy for our lives. Yes, there is a movie by the same name, but no, this is not a Blockbuster. This is a series on faith, following God and staying focused. We start this Sunday, the kickoff of our ministry year, and I'm excited to see where God is taking us.

Speaking of where God is taking us, I need to ask a favor: if you are a regular in the 11 o'clock service, and if it's possible, could you move to the 9 o'clock service? We are filling up in the 11, and we have some space available in the 9, so if you could make that move, it would help us put off creating a third service for a little longer. The last two Sundays, with school back in session and people inviting their friends, we've been pretty full in the second service (even on a holiday weekend!!) It's a good problem to have, but we need to get a few details ironed out before we can launch a third service, and if we could get 25 people to move services, we would be in great shape for a couple more months. And keep praying and inviting folks, God is making a move!!

Last, but not least, I'm praising God for the amazing Leadership Team meeting we had on Saturday. You need to know that the leaders of our church are a committed, engaged, prayerful bunch of God-chasers. I'm proud to be a part of such a team, and I'm looking forward to the good that God is going to do in us and through us as a team and as a church. There is a lot to do, but we are on our way, and I'm feeling blessed by the whole experience.

I'll look for you on Wednesday night as we gather for one more Night of Prayer and give praise to God for all the good He's doing and going to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi there! i thought i'd get this comment thing rolling. :) thanks for the birthday post on my blog - i appreciate it! :) great to hear that things are going well there and continuing to grow and move forward. hope you are having a great week! talk soon.