
Study Leave Book Reflection #1

I'm posting the summary portion of the reflection papers I wrote and gave to the Elder Team for each of the books I read on my Study Leave. There are more personal reflections that accompany these summaries, and if you want to read those, drop me an e-mail and I'll send you a copy.

This is the first book I read on Study Leave. It's one that I've had on my shelf for a year and was apprehensive about picking up because I knew I wouldn't be able to put it down. I was right, so thank God for a Study Leave to focus some time on learning.


Author: Bill Hybels 155 pages. Published by Zondervan


Hybels, pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in the suburbs of Chicago, is one of the leading pastors in America, and some would say in the world. He writes about the burning passion that drives people in whatever world-changing endeavors they pursue. God has placed a passion in the heart of every person, and as we live our lives, there will be crystallizing moments that reveal what our passion is. Those ‘burning bush’ moments are the beginning of what he calls Holy Discontent; a stirring, a burning in our soul to make a difference, to change what is wrong, to see justice prevail, to bring about positive transformation in our broken, unfair, problem ridden world. By using both biblical characters and stories from his own journey and those of people he knows, Hybels builds a case for finding our Holy Discontent and developing it into a world-changing passion in our lives. He outlines the steps to finding and feeding that discontent, and how to turn it into action and keep the flame burning.

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