
Back In The Office

I've come to realize I probably need to post more often, so I'm going to try, feel free to pray for me.

Some issues at the end of my Study Leave: first, it was a productive time, with 4 very helpful and important books that I read, a bunch of sermon work that got done, and four very effective meetings that took place (though the meetings were not originally supposed to be a part of the Study Leave). I will post my reflections on each of the books over the next 4 weeks, and you can see for yourself what God was trying to say to me and to our church family as well. I'd love to hear your comments on the reflections.

The two sermons I wrote while away are coming up the next two weeks, and honestly, I've never written a sermon before the week I was going to give it, so this will be a new experience. The series is called "Simply Pray", and I'm looking forward to it in a whole new way after these last few Sunday's messages during the Blockbuster series. Endure, trust, believe, die to self: these are all leading our church family toward something God is trying to say to us and build in us, so the next logical step is to talk to Him about it all. Can't wait to see what God does when we go to prayer with all that He's already giving us.

Just so you know, coming back early to share with the congregation about the financial situation Sunday was not a hard decision, but I wish I hadn't had to make it. If you weren't there, I came back a day early in order to share with the church family that we are 25% behind in our giving from last year, and last year we weren't meeting expenses, either, so something needed to be said. I hate begging for money, so I didn't do that, I just pointed out that, with attendance up over last year, it was obvious that this was not really a money issue, it's a heart issue. Jesus said in Matthew 6:21, "For where your treasure is, there you heart will be also," so we know that people are willing to come and willing to bring their friends to church, but not everyone's heart is in it. We are going to pray, listen, and then obey what God is telling us on this, and hopefully we can see some breakthrough. Please keep that in prayer. But I want you to know that I believe in this church family, I believe in God's promises for us, and I believe in my role here as the pastor, so it was not hard to decide to be here and be the one to tell folks what's going on. I love this church, and I am living in the hope that God is going to fix what's in our hearts and continue to use us to make a difference in the Portneuf Valley for Christ.

One more thing you need to know: the Elder Team and I met twice in the last two weeks for a total of 10 hours. We studied the Bible together, prayed together, shared our hearts and our past, and we pounded out the Guiding Principles and Goals for the 2008-2009 ministry year. I am so excited to be working with these guys, they are dedicated, open to learn, and ready to trust God for big things. Once we get the typos all cleaned up, you will be able to get a copy of both of those documents from the church office via e-mail or hard copy. I'm looking forward to what God has for us this year in way that is fresh and exciting. I hope you will pray for and participate in what God is up to in this church family.

So, back in the office today, and back in the pulpit on Sunday. We'll see if I remember how to do this. :)

1 comment:

KO'B said...

It needs to be noted that during Pastor Bill's study leave, no one in the church died. Let's celebrate! I'm looking forward to reading more of what you learned.