
What's Next? - Part 2

I started this a while back, and I want to continue to talk about what God is showing us is coming next as a church. The two ways God shows us what He's up to that I like the least are next.

First is -- Conflict.

Not my favorite word, and not one that most people want to add to their list of positives, for sure. But I'm starting to learn that conflict is a sign of movement. Nothing moves without some friction in the world, and the church is not immune to that concept. There will always be conflict in the church as long as there are people and ideas and movement. If there were none of those, there would be no conflict, simple as that. If we stay in one place, or get rid of all the people, or if there was never a single person who ever came up with a thot, then we'd never have conflict.

But movement creates friction, and friction creates heat, so if things are heating up, then that means there's movement. And even if the church is in need of a course correction, friction shows that at least it's moving so that God can steer it. It's easier to steer a moving car than a parked one, right? So movement is good, friction is good, conflict is... good.

It causes us to go back and pray, to seek God and make sure we're going in the right direction. Conflict done right (Matt. 18:15) is a tool God uses to mend relationships. Yeah, I know, I had to read that again, too. But it's true, winning a friend is the goal of conflict done right. Conflict done by gossip, or done by pouting, or done by silence is not good, healthy, God honoring conflict. But when someone comes and says, "we need to talk," that's the beginning of growth for both sides. I learn and grow when people confront me. I become a better person, and I believe that of the people who come and deal openly with me. I honor and respect people who will sit down and talk, rather than hiding their true feelings.

We don't have to agree on everything. We won't. This is Earth, not Heaven. But we can talk, learn, grow and take steps to understand each other on the way to what God has for us. God has given us His word to teach us how to live, and we will spend our whole lives growing in our understanding of what it says. If we're not challenged and pushed by each other as well as by God's word, then we'll miss out on all that God has for us.

Some churches just want to fight. They want to kick up dust and throw theological punches and make a mountain out of a dust bunny. But not this church. This church has grown over the years to a place where we can (and mostly do) take our God directed place at the table of conflict in order to see where God is taking us next. We've got a ways to go on this (I know I have a lot more to learn!), but I think we're making progress.

To those who are willing to do conflict Jesus' way, I honor and salute you. You are part of showing all of us where God is taking us next! May your tribe increase!!

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