
The Man Series

I've wanted to do a series for men about what God has called men to be and do for a loooong time. It starts on Sunday, and I can't wait! There's going to be something for everyone:
  • For men, a biblical model of masculinity that lets you be a man and still follow Jesus. Not the wimpy, Casper Milqutoast Jesus, but the man's man Jesus that changed the world.
  • For women, some understanding about the men in your life, and how to deal with them in ways that help them draw closer to Jesus and to you.
  • For parents raising boys, some help to point them toward healthy, godly manhood.
  • For parents raising girls, how to help them to understand the boys they will have to deal with in the world.

There will be encouragment and help for single men, single women, married men and married women. There will be some frank talk about sex at one point, and maybe some help to have 'the talk' with your kids if you haven't yet. And parents, please understand that if you aren't talking to your kids about sex, someone else is. They want to hear it from you, so talk to them.

The reason for doing this series is simple - we live in a culture that sends mixed and confusing messages about manhood to us and to our kids every day, and we need to hear what God has to say to us on the subject. Plain and simple, if we're following Jesus, we need to know what that looks like from a male perspective.

(Ladies, there will be a series for you coming up this fall. Look for it, it will be Beautiful, I promise!!)

Get ready to be encouraged, challenged, stretched and hopefully blessed over the next six weeks!

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