
It's Official: I'm Sick

I had to cancel appointments today, because I'm done. I only came to the office to get my computer on the off chance that I start feeling better and can work on my message.

I hate being sick. It makes the workaholic in me that I'm trying to battle just run wild. I feel bad about feeling bad, and that makes it worse.

Please pray for me, this is simply a bad time to be ill. I have two important meetings tomorrow, and this message is the beginning of our madatchurch.com series for Easter, which has been getting buzz in the community (as well as stirring up deep emotions in the church family here). I want to be at my best, but more importantly, I want people to hear about Jesus. Pray for healing, strength, courage and clarity for me, please.

And if you have a sec, pray for FBC this Sunday. We don't know what we'll experience, but we want to be Jesus to whomever shows up. Pray that we can do that well. Thanks!

1 comment:

Charles Revis said...

Bill, sorry that you are sick. Bummer. You do need to take care of yourself. Toss out the workaholic for a day and go to bed. I'm sure your sermon ideas are already floating around in your head, and with God's help they will come together tomorrow. I will be praying for you, and for FBC. You guys are doing a great thing, intentionally getting the attention of the community. It's creative approaches like this that will reach those who are far from God. This is the purpose of the church according to Matt 28:19-20. And you are pursuing it. Satan hates it. But Jesus, the Spirit and the Father loves you and will be at work in and through you.