

Just took a much needed week off, so sorry to the regulars for being gone. Got some rest, got my gym routine down a little deeper, and spent some time with Beth's parents goofing off in Boise.

So - time to REFOCUS!! God is making this place more and more fun for those who are getting excited about being used by HIM to do more and build the Kingdom in this valley. It's also becoming more uncomfortable for those who are wanting church to be comfortable and easy. I like comfortable. I like easy. Nothing better than going to a restaurant, ordering my favorite meal, having someone else do all the shopping, cooking and cleaning up after me, and just enjoying the experience.

But God did not call us to be customers, He called us to be contributors. We are supposed to make ourselves uncomfortable for the sake of those who don't yet know Jesus. We are supposed to give ourselves away so that others might receive Christ. We are supposed to set aside our rights and privileges the way Jesus modeled for us so that others might find the grace and forgiveness they need. I am loving the way that people are moving to the early service to make room for folks at 11 o'clock. I'm loving the way people are giving of there time and groceries to help the food pantry. I'm loving the way people are stepping up to volunteer in our Children and Youth ministries. Mostly, I'm loving the idea that we've added 7 or 8 new Connection Groups in the last 6 weeks! People are stepping up to lead, to serve, to share and to be Jesus to other people!

We must recognize the truth: it's not supposed to be easy. I'm glad Jesus never took the easy way. He didn't back down from a challenge, even when it was the cross. We have some challenges in front of us as a church family: we need to make Chris Bobblit full time in our Youth ministry, we need to fix some of the problems in our building, like carpet and windows, and we need to advance the grace of Jesus in our city. I want you to know, I'm not backing down on these ideas, because they represent the next steps in our ministry. And if you are willing to step up and be a contributor and not just a consumer, I will be your biggest fan.

Glad to be back in the office, serving with you!!


Anonymous said...

Glad you're back. I missed you. Hope you got some rest and refreshment.

Anonymous said...

Need to let you know your sermon 2 weeks ago and Karl's sermon last Sunday really struck home. God has used both of you to open my eyes and take a total deep look into myself. God has made me realize that I have been playing the blame game and not wanting to admit to my sins! God has connected me to a special person and with the help of God and Karl last week I have faced my sins and turned them over to God. I can't wait to see what God uses next to help me draw closer to him. For the first time I had an "aha" moment and it was amazing! God made me unconcomfortable and it was the best thing that could have happened to me! It made me realize God really is in control and I need that! Can't wait to see you.