
Listening To Andy

I have a number of pastor types that I respect and listen to, and one was speaking to me so loudly today, I have to share.

I'm trying to get myself back in the habit of working out after taking time off to get a bum knee back in line. So today, I was out for a walk with my IPod and Andy Stanley in my ears. Andy has a fantastically effective church in the North Atlanta suburbs, and he's a leadership and ministry guru. His podcast was about leading in uncertain times. Pretty easy to see why I was interested...

So Andy is talking, and he said a couple things I wanted to share with the staff, so I played it for them today in staff meeting. Times are uncertain at FBC, with the finances being down, the flu taking people out of weekend services and serving opportunities, and some general unrest and dis-ease. So the message was clearly for us, and the points got home: be clear about the vision, and be flexible with the plans.

Clarity will help people to make sure that we stay on track in spite of the changing atmosphere, circumstances, economy, culture, etc... Clarity of purpose, clarity of mission, clarity of values, and the clear communication of how those all connect to what's going on and what's next. Coming back to the places where God has been clear with us, and celebrating each and every memory of God's faithfulness and call helps us to stay focused on the right things, and to not panic when a plan fails, but stay true to the ultimate vision of God's preferred future.

The flexibility part was also very helpful. Plans will fail, and if we get ourselves tied to our plans, then we'll think the vision has failed just because the plans did. Plans fail for a number of reasons, and smart leaders have to pay attention to the changes in the atmosphere and surroundings that are not what was assumed when the plan was put together. We planned to be growing and adding staff by now, but the circumstances changed, so we need to get off the old plan and start a new one.

So there was a lot of excitement here today as we started to think about the core of the vision and how it has remained constant, but also how some of the pieces have moved in the last 10 years. The conversation began (and will continue over the next few weeks) about recasting and reconnecting the vision God has for this church with what is the current reality. Plans will change, they always do. We can't own the plans, they have to remain flexible, but we have to own the vision and be stubborn (Andy's word) about holding tightly to the ultimate outcome.

Good stuff to remember as God is busy shaping, forming, breaking, molding, pushing and teaching all of us in this season.

Any thoughts?

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