
God Stories on a Friday Night In Jersey

Feeling the wave of what God is doing? Coming out of Easter, here's what I'm feeling:

  • Live to serve - The response to the message last Sunday was amazing!! We had a mob people sign up to help with the project house, someone offered help with carpet, and in the best possible way I can say it, folks got it - following Jesus means serving! I'm so proud of this church!
  • Taking it (to the Big)Easy - a number of folks also stepped up to either be a part of the team that is going to New Orleans in the fall, or help someone else get there. I can't wait to see what God is going to do through us, but I'm really excited for what God is going to do TO us when this trip finally happens. (And thanks for accepting my apology for waiting so long to get this moving. I love how you let your pastor be a human being sometimes!)
  • Giving and giving - the food pantry is still a hot spot in our ministry, lots of bags of food moving through there to help other people. I got to hand out some bags myself this past week, and it's so amazing to see the looks on people's faces when you hand them some groceries in Jesus' name. In a down economy, we as a church have more opportunities to step up and serve people generously, rather than step back in fear. Thank you for your heart to help people in our valley for Christ's sake.
  • Hope in the house - On Thursday night, we had over 70 people out to hear the Dave Ramsey simulcast, Town Hall for Hope. Dave was amazing, as always, and the whole event was a constant stream of God stuff. From lifechurch.tv and Fox News hooking up with Dave, to how the technology worked so well (mic glitches aside), to how many of the folks in our worship center were guests (the FBC folk were happily outnumbered 3 to 1!!)
  • Giving what I've got - I'm writing this from New Jersey, where I'm helping another church to find God's plan for their ministry life together. It's so much fun for me to sit with a group of church leaders and tell YOUR stories, YOUR triumphs, and YOUR lessons to people and help them see that God is wanting to do great things in their church, because He's been doing them in OURS. And by OUR church, I mean HIS church.
  • Bonus coverage - On the way home, I get to stop off and see Quentin and Patty Mullinix, former FBC'ers who are pastoring a church outside Chicago while Q finishes seminary. I'll get to hear him preach, then meet with their leadership to talk about maybe helping them in the future. I can't wait to see those guys - two missionaries we as a church have sent to the wilds of Illinois.
What am I missing? You got a God story for me? Let me hear from you!!

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