
Coming Soon to a Church Near You

Spent some time this week getting the bugs worked out on the Easter series. I can't tell you too much right now, but if you're in a Connection Group, we shot a video announcement for you that we'll have for you soon to let you in on the idea, so look for that. Suffice it to say, we're about to try something that not only we have never tried before, but as far as we can tell, NO CHURCH IN TOWN HAS TRIED THIS BEFORE!!!

Now, that's not why we're doing it. We're trying to do something that will get the attention of our community and put the Good News of Jesus out there for them to hear. Because there are a lot of people in our town that won't darken the door of a church unless they are more intrigued than they are turned off. So we want to raise the question, we want to challenge the thinking, the assumptions, the preconceived ideas people have about church.

Lot's of people in our culture like Jesus, but they don't like the church. It may not be the right way to think, but it's they way they think, and we can't change their thinking without challenging it first. So that's what we're going to do. Pray now, because once this all goes live, we have no idea where it's going to take us. I promise, when we get closer, I'll tell you everything else you need to know, but for now, pray, and get excited!

I'm also jacked up about the next series we're going to start on Feb. 22. Toxic Emotions: Handle With Care will be a time we talk about the emotional toxins in our lives. We all get angry, but if we let it sit in our hearts, it turns to poison and kills relationships, crushes self esteem and cuts off our ability to hear from God. There are other emotions that can build up and cause damage, so we're going to talk about how we can take God's wisdom and apply it to our emotional health. Let me say this: GUYS, DON'T YOU DARE MISS THIS SERIES!! For your ability to understand the emotions of the women in your life as well as your own emotions, you can't afford to miss this.

Last thing: this Sunday, the message will contain more scripture than any message I've ever given. I'm excited, I'm nervous, and I'm praying like never before. I hope you'll come. Be ready to hear from God in His word. God's word will not disappoint.

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