
Year One: Transition with a Captital T

This month marks the one year anniversary of my family leaving Idaho, our home for 14 years, and moving to Minden, Nevada, to LifePoint Church and to a whole lot of...transitions. Change is another word, but people don't like it much. Transitions - the moving from one idea/reality/concept/place/way of thinking to another. That's all we've done for a year.

We've sold and bought a house, moved twice, engaged in negotiations about real estate both personally and on behalf of the church, and learned a lot about banking, loans and customer service. Learning is a huge part of transition, because what got you to where you are won't get you where you want to go next.

There's been staff transitions of all kinds, and changes in relationships all around. There's been much growth and learning all around, and I'm very proud of the folks who have engaged in the transition with open hearts and minds to what God is doing here. It's been hard on some folks, and some haven't managed the transitions as well as others. It's the same back in Idaho where we left: some have managed to transition gracefully and others without much grace. People are people, and we deal with the changes in life the best we can. I'm learning that.

I've transitioned my leadership style to fit the new adventure of LifePoint Church (and I'm still learning this one, too!), and I've spent the last year leading a cultural shift, because as I've come to learn recently, "Culture eats strategy for lunch!" (That might be a Peter Drucker quote, no one seems quite sure. I know it's true, whoever said it.) The culture was ready for a change, but had we started with strategy, we'd have been in trouble.

We have even now begun to transition into more strategic initiatives, like our Project 40/40, our attempt to do 40 missional projects in the community in the 40 days before Easter. The buzz is palpable! People are getting into small groups just to be a part of this opportunity to show God's love to our community with no strings attached. It's exciting to hear the projects that our groups are planning, and I can't wait to see where this ends up.

But God has orchestrated all this transition, and the ones that are coming. It has been a wild ride, with ups, downs, spirals and loop-the-loops, but God's hand has been in it all, making the transitions, however challenging, all work into HIS ultimate plan. Praise God in the transitions!

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