
Keeping Your Balance, Part 1

There are two types of balance in life: the kind that isn't really possible, and the kind that you can't live without.

Some people talk about balance as if we as human beings need to be a little good at everything, as if a successful life includes at least moderate success in every possible endeavor. Being out of balance means being either too invested in one or just a few areas, or being totally out of touch in some area. I was told once by a person who was very successful in business that knowing too much about sports is a liability. His advice was to know just enough to be able to talk about it, but don't go overboard. I have managed to ignore that advice thoroughly.

I love sports. I don't love politics. You want to talk politics, I can, but I would rather talk sports. I can go at length and with depth on several sports, and glance over the surface of a few more. I am totally out of balance in this area, but it is one of my passions, one of my heartbeats, so instead of ignoring it, I lean into it and let my love for it flow through my life.

I don't believe the kind of balance where someone pretends to be interested in areas they don't care about and simultaneously tries to ignore areas of real passion and interest in the name of some false sense of 'balance.' That's not balance, that's wasting passion. Passion is so vital to success in life, in ministry, in anything; too vital to waste on 'balance.'

Truth is, you can't really live that kind of balance. There are too many issues, too many options, too many opportunities and ideas to try to 'balance' all of them in your life. Spread yourself across too many of those options and opportunities, and whatever passion you have will dwindle down from a flame to a flicker.

Instead, choose wisely the places where you invest your life. Choose God first and develop passion for Him, His Word and His Kingdom, then let Him move you to follow what you're passionate about. Don't buy the lie that says you have to 'balance' your life. Instead, be off balance, leaning heavily on God, completely tilted His direction. The rest will figure itself out.

I'll share the helpful kind of balance next time, but tell me what you think: 'Balanced' life or 'Leaning' life?

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